Diversity, Equity, Inclusion + Justice

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We envision an Oregon with just and equitable food and education systems, supporting the well-being of the diverse network of communities in our state. To us, this means that: 

Our Commitment
To Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice

The OFSSGN is committed to advancing racial and social equity and leveraging the collective power of our stakeholders to create a more just, equitable food and education system. The OFSSGN recognizes that inequities built into the systems in which farm to school operates must be addressed for true change. We are committed to shifting power and transforming systems so that everyone has access to the benefits of farm to school.


  • Every child and family in Oregon has access to nourishing, culturally relevant food. 
  • Our food is grown in a way that is sustainable and protective of the environment and local and regional communities.
  • The people who work the land, and cultivate and prepare food, hold power in the food system, and are valued and cared for.
  • Historic and current inequity and systemic racism are recognized and this inequity and injustice has been repaired.  Original stewards of the land are honored and hold power.
  • Our education system, from early childhood through high school, acknowledges the value of and prioritizes using local food systems, gardens, and the land as educational tools and resources.
  • Students of all ages are provided regular hands-on opportunities to connect with and learn about food and where it comes from.




Deep Commitment to Equity, Justice, and Learning

OFSSGN is integrating equity and justice principles and practices into all areas of the organization’s programming and spheres of influence. This means welcoming and engaging in difficult conversations, embracing the discomfort of facing our own complicity in systemic oppression, and continuously integrating our learning into our policies, programs, and practices.

OFSSGN recognizes that this strategic direction will take internal capacity building and a commitment to doing things differently. We know we will learn along the way. We will examine, evaluate, and update these strategies yearly. 

Get Connected to DEIJ Resources for your community


Food Systems New England Racial Equity Challenge

Engage with a 21-day Racial Equity Challenge offering daily materials to engage with and reflect on- great to do with a team and can be customized to each organization.


Native Farm to School Toolkit & Webinars

The Native Farm to School Webinar Series showcases best practices, shares available resources, and provides an open forum and Q&A sessions for discussing challenges.


The Power of Community-Based Food Systems

The Food Systems Leadership Network published a multimedia storytelling project documenting how communities across the Northwest are using community-based food systems to catalyze resistance and resilience, self-determination and sovereignty, connection and liberation.  Inspiring, tangible examples of diverse food growing projects meeting the needs of the challenging year of 2020.


The Antiracism Starter Kit 

"Are you new to antiracism? Have you been around this work for a while now, but are finally ready to take your personal work seriously?  Do you find yourself overwhelmed with the severity of racism and confused by where not start? Well then, I wrote this little guide for you, my friend.

The purpose of the Antiracism Starter Kit is to help you navigate your next steps after answering the call to become antiracist. It is meant to be used as a blueprint as you find your own rhythm in this work that is sustainable and practical for how you learn as an individual."

Recommended Reading
Videos and Webinars